Thursday, April 26, 2012

Day 3..Juicemaster Extraordinaire? Probably Not.

Good Morning! Day 3 is here and I'm still feeling quite good! I'm soooo thankful about that little tidbit..but I'm hoping that my body doesn't other plans for the weekend. The scale said 150 even this morning. I was a little bummed because of how much it changed between days 1 and 2. I suppose in the grand scheme of things, .8lbs is still a good loss for one day! Staying positive!

So..Day 3 has been..interesting thus far. Mostly due to the adventures I had while juicing this morning. Yes..even weird people who blog about drinking juice can have adventures.

Anyway, Juice #5 started the adventure. The recipe I had called for the use of 1/4 pineapple. Due to my juicing adventure yesterday..I'm fresh out of it. So..I substituted two apples in its place.

The recipe I used:

1 c. Blackberries
1 Kiwi
2 Apples
30 Mint Leaves (I estimated)
1/2 Pear
1/4 c. Coconut Water

It..was..delightful. The apple blended well with the other flavors and I didn't feel like I had screwed up the recipe at all. This was where my juicing expedition went awry. I think I got a big head about my juicing skills so I went a little crazy. Not too crazy..but I had a number of fruits where my supply had nearly I made a bit of a concoction.

Here goes:

1/2 Pear
1 Apple (Last one!)
1 Cucumber
1 Kale Leaf
1 Handful Alfalfa Sprouts
4 Spears of Broccoli
1/2 Lemon
1 Orange
1/4 c. Raspberries

It was..not as good as the first one. It is a juice I would consider to be..consumable, but not one that I will enjoy whole-heartedly. Oh well. I should have known from the strange orange-green-brown color that it was not going to be something I loved. That's okay though..I might have learned my lesson. I'm going to stick primarily to the recipes and only make changes if I see fit.

Also..I have noticed that the fruit supply seems to have diminished considerably. I'll most likely be taking another trek to the store in the next day or so. I have a couple of other recipes I've found that I'd like to I'll be getting the ingredients for those too.

Anyway..Day 3 seems to have gotten off to a pretty decent start!

"Whether you think you can..or you can''re right" - Stewie words of encouragement for today. Haha.

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